Alkek Library News

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

New Database: Anthrosource

Developed by the American Anthropological Association (AAA), AnthroSource brings 100 years of anthropological material online to scholars, including:
  • Current issues for 15 of the AAA publications, such as American Anthropologist, American Ethnologist, Anthropology and Education Quarterly, and Medical Anthropology Quarterly.
  • An electronic archive of all AAA journals. Coverage is from volume 1 to the last available issue.


Library Hours and Closure @ Alkek During the Holiday Break

Well finals have ended and another semester is over. Hopefully everyone is feeling good and preparing for the holidays. The hours for the library during this time are:
  • December 11th -December 20th---------8:00am - 5:00pm
  • December 15-16 -----------------------------------Closed
  • December 21, 2007-January 1, 2008------Closed
  • January 2-January 11 2008--------------8:00am - 5:00pm
  • January 5-6----------------------------Closed
Remember, even though the library may be closed, you can still access many things via the library website. You can read the newspaper, online books or other full-text publications. A good newspaper database is Library Press Display. This database lets you see the scanned image of the newspapers the day they are published. It includes over 500 newspapers and even some of the small town newspapers.

You can also use the Periodical List to search for other newspapers, magazines and journals. The results show you our holdings and the databases that have the publication online in full-text format.

The library catalog has the majority of the eBooks in it now. When searching, limit your search to eBooks. You can search by subject, title or author.

You can also ask questions using the Ask a Librarian service. I will be monitoring the email questions throughout the holiday break.

Have a safe and happy holiday!

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