Alkek Library News

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Blended Librarian Webcast

I just attended the Blended Librarian webcast, entitled "A Look at Newly Emerging Positions at Academic Libraries." It was really very fascinating. Some of the highlights were:

-Literature Review Summary outlining trends in new librarian positions, primarily focusing on "blended" flavored positions like Instructional Librarian, Instructional Design Librarian, etc.

-Interview/Case study of two librarians, Sean Cordes and Kathryn Shaughnessy.

There was some interesting discussion about using Skype as a tool to record podcasts--especially applications for IL type of things. Some of the examples were for readings, special lectures, guides, orientations, professional development.....
I found this blog of Sean's that had a nice little list of podcasting libraries.

Another interesting idea is the idea of "prototyping" which is to make prototypes to demonstrate concepts to ppl.

Also about using RSS for new books in the OPAC and web updates.

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